The Lame Pigeon
Lluch Girbès, Enric
$ 180.00
Precio exclusivo para Librería Virtual
Número de páginas: 24 Peso: 20gr.
Tema: Literatura (Infantil y juvenil ) Tamaño: 2.1cm. x 2cm. x 0.2cm.
Colección: ISBN 9788498453201
Encuadernación: Rústica Audiencia General
This is a tender and funny collection of 10 short tales about children's daily situations, adapted to first readers. All of them show positive values regarding the family, nature... The texts are short (a sentence for page) and all of them go with powerfully coloured drawings done by different illustrators. This collection also includes a 'magical' element on its pages to capture the children's attention: it shows movement when you browse through the pages quickly.

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